James Cool
Sedro-Woolley, Washington - United States Army
I just watched the latest installment of Ken Burn's Vietnam documentary and though maybe I should not have drunk all that whiskey to get through it, it brought tears to my eyes for the stupidity of it all. The episode dealt with a part of the war that I was in and though I didn't see Saigon, I had my own moments of utter terror.
It has been 50 years since I was in "Tiger Land" training for this, next year will be my 50th commemoration of being in that beautiful country. When I came home I was personally called a "baby killer." I did not volunteer, but instead was drafted. But I did protest the war before I was drafted and afterwards, too.
I want to quote a North Vietnamese military man, "Only those who didn't fight argue about who won or lost or why. War is about destruction." And included was the destruction of many wonderful people on both sides. And I'm sure the man I shot had a mother who loved him. As my mother loved me and would have mourned if I hadn't done it.